I would like to first make a simple disclaimer:
WGU Academic Authenticity caution has been indicated on the webpage. I have never been in violation of this due to the fact that my guides never tell students what are on any of the exams either for PA or OA.
My notion guides have always been about showing WGU students how to navigate the course material and what to focus studying on. I will never violate policy so if that is what you are looking for, please look somewhere else and messaging me will not change that.
WGU often has courses that have so much course material that students have a hard time figuring out how to organize their thoughts and where to put the focus. This is where I can assist.
C777 is not like D276. It is a maze of spaghetti. The course assumes that you have taken D276 with WGU. If you have not taken Web Dev Foundations with WGU and took it with Sophia, please take the time to reference my index and review the material as the majority of the HTML and CSS for this course assumes that you have previous knowledge.
D276 had a clear line of information because it was organized by Zybooks. C777 is not like that. There will be times that quiz questions at the bottom of the material will not make sense to any of the material read or it will be for future material in later sections. There will be multiple moments when you wonder what the instructors were thinking when they wrote the questions.
The course material includes:
Acrobatiq divided into 6 Units
Course Search Study Guide
Quizzet and Quizlet
Acrobatiq will take you down webpages that no longer exist, Linkedin videos that are from 2011-2018 with deprecated material, and blogs. The main source that Acrobatiq will link towards is codeacademy and w3schools.